Monday, November 4, 2013

SSRS Reports now support the compare tool in Dynamics AX 2012 R2 CU7

As others have already reported CU7 (KB2885603) for Dynamics AX 2012 R2 has been released. I wanted to point out one new feature I haven't seen announced elsewhere. You can now use the compare tool in AX to view changes to SSRS reports between layers. See the screenshots below for an example of the change.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services

Microsoft recently launched a new Lifecycle Services site to help partners and customers manage and optimize their Dynamics AX implementations.

From the TechNet description:
Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services provides a cloud-based collaborative workspace that customers and their partners can use to manage Microsoft Dynamics AX projects from pre-sales to implementation and operations. Based on the phase of your project and the industry vertical, the site provides checklists and tools that you can use to help you manage the project. It also provides a dashboard so that you have a single place to get up-to-date project information.
Lifecycle Services is available to customers and partners as part of their support plans. You can access it with your CustomerSource or PartnerSource credentials. Go to the site.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


After working in the industry for over a decade I finally took a Microsoft certification. A few weeks ago I took and passed the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Development test. I've been reading through some of the E-Learning material and highly recommend anyone working with AX go over this training.


Monday, May 20, 2013

Dynamics AX Inventory cube now present in AX 2012 R2

It was recently brought to my attention that Microsoft Dynamics AX finally ships with an inventory value cube out of the box in version 2012 R2. You can find details on the measures available in the cube here, which even includes some KPI's for inventory turns and other indicators. I'm looking forward to cracking this open and comparing it to the home grown inventory cube I built on AX 2009. The primary issue is that you can't simply look at inventtrans records because those statuses are updated over time as postings occur.

Other cubes added in AX 2012 R2 include Budget control, Budget plan (my team worked on this), Profit tax, and Retail. 

AX 2012 Cubes AX 2012 R2 Cubes
Accounts payable cube (VendCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack Accounts payable cube (VendCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2
Accounts receivable cube (CustCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack Accounts receivable cube (CustCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2
Budget control cube (BudgetControlCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2
Budget plan cube (BudgetPlanCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2
Environmental sustainability cube (EMSCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack Environmental sustainability cube (EMSCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2
Expense management cube (TrvCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack Expense management cube (TrvCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2
General ledger cube (LedgerCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack General ledger cube (LedgerCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2
Invent value cube (InventValueCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2
Production cube (ProdCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack Production cube (ProdCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2
Profit tax totals cube (RTax25OLAP) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2
Project accounting cube (ProjCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack Project accounting cube (ProjCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2
Purchase cube (PurchCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack Purchase cube (PurchCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2
Retail cube (RetailCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2
Customer relationship management cube (smmCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack Sales and marketing cube (smmSalesMarketingCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2
Sales cube (SalesCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack Sales cube (SalesCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2
Workflow cube (WorkflowCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack Workflow cube (WorkflowCube) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Using Record Info and the importance of field groups on a form

I've often wondered about the Best Practice check in AX that requires all fields to be in a field group and why that is there. I assumed it was some sort of encouragement to use field groups on forms and reports, but today it occurred to me that there is another very valuable tool that uses this information (there are probably many others as well).

If you have the appropriate permissions in Dynamics AX you can right click on any field on a form, select record info, and then select "Show all fields" to open a new form which displays all of the fields in the table and their values regardless of if the field is on the form or not. This is useful for some power users if they are interested in knowing when a record was created or when it was last modified for instance.

Show all Fields
Show all Fields
I shared this functionality with a user this week, but it wasn't until today that I realized how this form organizes fields into groups based on field groups to help the user find them. So in the future take some time and consideration when creating field groups or adding fields to groups so that users can find these more easily on the Record info screen.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Slow Inventory Reports

A user over on the AXUG Community recently posted a question about poor performance on the standard AX Inventory reports, specifically Physical Inventory by Dimension. It turns out the fix ended up being to clear the records in two tables in the database that are used only for building this report. Normally the records are created, the report run, and then the records are deleted. However if the process is cancelled the records can be left behind. Multiple users reported the same issue.

If you are having this issue or even minor performance issues with these reports, look into deleting all of the records in the InventSumDateTable and InventSumDateTrans tables via SQL.

If you haven't joined the AXUG Community forum yet go check it out. It's a great free resource for users.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Using secondary currency and exchange adjustments

If you are using secondary currency (also called reporting currency) in Dynamics AX you might not be aware that the ledger exchange adjustment program does not update AmountMSTSecond values in Dynamics AX 2009.

One reason to use the secondary currency in a company is to report on both your primary currency and your secondary currency.

Say you have a company in Canada that does transactions in both US Dollars and Canadian Dollars. If your master currency is set to USD your ledger transactions will have the USD equivalent in the AmountMST field and the amount in the transaction currency in the AmountCur field. For transactions that are in CAD then will have both the USD and CAD values, but for transactions in USD both fields will be in USD. Setting your secondary currency in the company to CAD means that all transactions will have the USD amount in AmountMST and the CAD amount in AmountMSTSecond.

Currency Code Master currency amount Transactional currency amount Secondary/Reporting currency amount
USD $100 USD $100 USD $98 CAD
CAD $100 USD $98 CAD $98 CAD

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Microsoft Advanta campus

Most people know that Redmond, Washington is home of the Microsoft Corporate campus, but the offices for Dynamics AX are actually in Bellevue, Washington. I took a few photos today for my online photography class at Proud Photography and I thought I'd share one of the images here.

Microsoft Advanta Campus

The other offices where Microsoft has major Dynamics AX development that I know about and have worked with teams from are Fargo, North Dakota and Vedbaek, Denmark.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Adding a color bar per company

A common question users often ask for is to change the color of AX forms when logged in to a different company. This comes from may legacy systems having this behavior. It turns out changing the background color on AX form results in a pretty ugly experience due to the many different layouts of form, group and subgroups, and other controls that would all have to have their backgrounds changed.

However one interesting way I found to provide similar behavior to this is to add a color bar across the top of forms similar to the workflow status bar indicating the company logged in to.

Disable "Changing company accounts to: " infolog warning

If you are using multiple companies in Dynamics AX you likely have seen the "Changing company accounts to: <company>" infolog warning when changing between companies. This is particularly annoying when working with intercompany sales orders and purchase orders when your business process has you switching back and forth between companies. This is pretty easy to disable with a simple modification to the Application.setDefaultCompany() method.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Customs integration with Dynamics AX for EDITrade and CANData

I just wanted to give a quick update on what I've been working on recently. We import product into both the US and to Canada, so we have a need to supply data to both US and Canadian customs.
There are two companies we are working with on this: EDITrade from Descartes for US Customs and CANData Systems for Canadian customs.

I know everyone is gearing up for Convergence 2013, but I'll be back here in Seattle working away. I'd be interested in knowing if anyone finds any other companies that have integrated EDITrade or CANData with Dynamics AX.

Ultimately I plan on providing more details on our integration and some examples.